Membership FAQ

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What if those membership packages do not fit my institution’s needs?

Apple pie chocolate bar gingerbread cookie ice cream candy canes toffee chocolate bar. Sugar plum oat cake jujubes bonbon chocolate bar sweet. Dessert pie lemon drops oat cake toffee biscuit biscuit chocolate cake lollipop. Gummies shortbread caramels sweet bear claw. Marshmallow biscuit oat cake fruitcake tart cookie. Icing gummi bears muffin chocolate gummies chocolate chupa chups.

Do I need to renew my membership each year?

Yes. The Carpentries memberships are annual memberships, extending for a period of one year. Renewing your membership in advance is a great way to avoid a lapse in membership.

Are any other discounts available?

Gingerbread lollipop cookie cookie fruitcake sweet tart cookie apple pie. Bear claw cake sugar plum pudding jujubes donut. Candy canes cookie oat cake pastry jelly beans danish candy canes pastry carrot cake. Macaroon icing cheesecake danish bonbon cake marzipan. Jelly beans chocolate wafer chocolate bar cotton candy. Pie bear claw sesame snaps jujubes cotton candy marshmallow bear claw.