Strategic Plan

The Carpentries Strategic Plan: Three Years and Counting

Community recognition and appreciation, automation, lesson development training, and improved accessibility. Progress towards The Carpentries Strategic Plan for 2020-2025

The Carpentries Strategic Plan: Year Two In Review

The Carpentries Community Development Program, efforts towards Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and more progress towards our five-year strategic plan!

EIA Roadmap Update: The Strategic Plan is The Plan

Going forward, the Strategic Plan will be our focus. On 22 April 2022, the EIA Roadmap will be deprecated, but will be kept for historical reasons.

Quarterly Strategic Plan Update: Q3 2021

Here is an overview of work towards The Carpentries 2020-2025 Strategic Plan for the third quarter of 2021

Highlighting our strategic plan efforts to support local community building

CarpentryConnect South Africa is a significant milestone in our Strategic Plan for 2020-2025

The Carpentries Strategic Plan: One Year Update

Read on to see how we are progressing towards goals outlined in our Strategic Plan for 2020-2025

An update on our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan progress

Read on to learn about our strategic plan progress through Q4 2020 (October - December)

Progress Towards The Carpentries 2020-2025 Strategic Plan

Read on to learn about our strategic plan progress through Q3 2020 (July - September)

The Carpentries’ 2020 Strategic Focus and Path Forward

Read on to learn about our strategic plan progress

The Carpentries Strategic Plan for 2020-2025

Read on and learn more about The Carpentries Strategic Plan for the next three to five years