
Join the Genomics Curriculum Advisory Committee!

Help provide leadership for Data Carpentry’s Genomics curriculum. Apply by 21 August

The 2023 Instructor Notes Drive Starts Next Week!

Everything you need to get involved and make Carpentries lessons easier to teach.

Welcome to our Newest Lesson Maintainers!

Nineteen new Lesson Maintainers badged

Get Ready for the Instructor Notes Drive

A community-wide event to update, expand, and improve guidance provided to Instructors in lessons

Foundations of Astronomical Data Science Launch

Interested in teaching skills at the intersection of data science and astronomy? Sign up for onboarding or to host a workshop today.

Launching Lesson Publication Task Force

Get involved in a Task Force on the official lesson publication process.

Apply to become a Curriculum Advisor

Curriculum Advisors provide high-level leadership for lessons. Apply by September 29