
Welcome to the 2023 Trainers Leadership Committee!

Meet the representatives making decisions for our Instructor Trainer community in 2023

Calling for Volunteers to join a Lesson Program Governance Committee

Guide the development of Software Carpentry, Library Carpentry, or Data Carpentry

Election Nominees for the 2023 Executive Council

Help shape The Carpentries – Information about Community Elections for the Executive Council

Planning for Lesson Program Governance Committees

Strengthening community leadership for Software, Library, and Data Carpentry

Aufruf für Kandidaturen für den The Carpentries Executive Council (Vorstand) 2023

Nominierungen für Mitglieder, die von der Gemeinde und vom Executive Council gewählt werden, sind möglich

Call for Candidates for the 2023 Carpentries Executive Council

Nominations are now open for community-elected and Council-elected positions

Convocatoria de candidatos para el Consejo Ejecutivo de Carpentries 2023

Ya está abierto el llamado a candidaturas para los puestos elegidos por la comunidad y por el Consejo



The Executive Council Annual Retreat for 2022

In this blog post, the Executive Council Communications Committee highlights events and learnings from the annual Executive Council Retreat