Data Carpentry

Lesson programs' blog posts migration

The three lesson programs' blog posts have been merged into The Carpentries blog

Welcoming the New Lesson Program Governance Committees

Community leaders who will guide project strategy for Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentry

Launching Data Carpentry: Image Processing with Python

Announcing the stable release of a new curriculum teaching image processing skills. Sign up to host a workshop today!

Calling for Volunteers to join a Lesson Program Governance Committee

Guide the development of Software Carpentry, Library Carpentry, or Data Carpentry

Planning for Lesson Program Governance Committees

Strengthening community leadership for Software, Library, and Data Carpentry

Foundations of Astronomical Data Science Launch

Interested in teaching skills at the intersection of data science and astronomy? Sign up for onboarding or to host a workshop today.

Running an Online Data Carpentry Workshop in Iran

This post covers the instructor's experiences teaching an online Data Carpentry workshop in Iran

Reflections on my First Data Carpentry Workshop

Lessons learned during the author's first attendance at a Data Carpentry workshop