
New Zealand Community Holds Its First Carpentries Chat

Community members gather to discuss Carpentries successes and challenges in Dunedin, New Zealand

The Carpentries Community Champions Call - September 2019

The Community Champions discussed how they grow their local communities

Carpentries Values Project - An Update and Call for Input

Find out more about The Carpentries values project. Answer three questions and help us articulate our community values

Supporting The Carpentries

Read about activities the Australian Research Data Commons is embarking on to support The Carpentries

Connecting with the Community at CarpentryConnect in Manchester

In this post, Malvika Sharan shares her personal notes from June 2019's CarpentryConnect in Manchester

Carpentries Community Discussion on

Join our August 28 2019 community call to help us build a diverse community of preprint reviewers

Releasing The Carpentries Communications Strategy and Implementation Plan

We are releasing our community communications plan and introducing how-to guides for community-led communications

Teaching reproducible science with R to a wide range of experience levels

Phil Reed shares lessons from a recent R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis workshop