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Sydney ResBaz - A Big Success

Cross-institutional skill- and community-building event attracts hundreds of researchers

A Carpentries-Based Approach to Teaching FAIR Data and Software Principles

A report from the TIB Hannover FAIR Data & Software Workshop (9-13 July, 2018)

Apply to become a Carpentries Instructor Trainer!

Help us grow and diversify our pool of Carpentries instructors

Eight Days, Four Workshops, Two Islands, One Earthquake

Taking Library Carpentry on the road in New Zealand

Evidence of Carpentries' Impact on Learners

Here's proof that YOU are making an impact!

Mission, Vision, and Bylaws for the Carpentries

The Executive Council has been working on revising and solidifying the mission, vision, and bylaws for The Carpentries

Dunedin ResBaz

Dunedin ResBaz was held at The University of Otago on 4-6 July, 2018.