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A Call to Action: Donate to The Carpentries

Support The Carpentries $30K Individual Contributions Fundraising Goal

Call for Pilot Workshops: Introduction to Conda for (Data) Scientists

Help with the further improvement of this lesson from The Carpentries Incubator

Updates to Our Platinum Membership Tier

We’re updating the pricing structure and benefits available for our most customisable membership tier.

Call for Candidates for the 2021 Carpentries Executive Council

Nominations are now open for community-elected and Council-elected positions

Reflections on my First Data Carpentry Workshop

Lessons learned during the author's first attendance at a Data Carpentry workshop

CarpentryCon @ Home: The journey of the Wikidata Lesson

Following up on the CarpentryCon @ Home session, Library Carpentry Wikidata Lesson Sprint

Progress Towards The Carpentries 2020-2025 Strategic Plan

Read on to learn about our strategic plan progress through Q3 2020 (July - September)

Lessons Learned - Data Carpentries Workshop for SADiLaR (August 31, 2020)

This post covers instructors' experiences teaching a Data Carpentries workshop for the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources in August 2020