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Announcing Our New Curriculum Advisors!

New Curriculum Advisory Committees form to support Software Carpentry and three Data Carpentry curricula.

Introducing The Carpentries Workbench

We announce the first draft of our accessible lesson infrastructure and call for beta testers

Introducing Sher!, Director of Workshops

The journey from Workshop Administrator to Director of Workshops!

We are Hiring an Accessibility Coordinator. Join Our Team.

Applications received before 1 February at 11:59 PM (anywhere on earth) will receive full consideration.

Update to our Privacy Policy

We are updating Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

New Prices for Workshops, Instructor Training, and Memberships

Our new pricing structure for workshops, Instructor Training, and memberships goes into effect today.

Happy New Year from The Carpentries Executive Director, Dr. Kari L. Jordan

Grants, Gratitude, and #GreenStickies: Read on to learn about what The Carpentries will achieve in 2022

Thank You! Values Alignment Task Force

Recommendations from the task force on a values alignment due diligence process