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EIA Roadmap Update: The Strategic Plan is The Plan

Going forward, the Strategic Plan will be our focus. On 22 April 2022, the EIA Roadmap will be deprecated, but will be kept for historical reasons.

Piloting Collaborative Lesson Development Training

Help us test out a new training curriculum.

Foundations of Astronomical Data Science Launch

Interested in teaching skills at the intersection of data science and astronomy? Sign up for onboarding or to host a workshop today.

Our tips and tricks for online workshop teaching

King's College London Carpentries Instructor Team share their experience

We are Hiring a (Deputy) Director of Fundraising. Join Our Team.

The (Deputy) Director of Fundraising has a broad responsibility for the development and execution of The Carpentries fund development plan.

Announcing Changes to The Carpentries Logo Usage and Modification Policy

The new logo modification policy is the result of a cross-team working group that met in the second half of 2021

Piloting Open Peer Review of Lessons

The Carpentries will start publishing peer-reviewed lessons in The Carpentries Lab.