Vini Salazar

Maintainer Community Lead: an update and next steps

We are looking for the next Maintainer Community Lead!

Apply for the current round of Carpentries Maintainer Onboarding!

The Carpentries is preparing to onboard the next cohort of Maintainers. Applications due March 8th.

Apply for the current round of Carpentries Maintainer Onboarding!

The Carpentries is preparing to onboard the next round of Maintainers. Applications due 26 May

Wrapping Up the Carpentries Python Curriculum Project

Read on to learn about Carpentries Instructor Vini Salazar's work and accomplishments with regard to the Carpentries Python Curriculum

Announcing The Python Software Foundation Scientific Working Group grant

Read on to learn more about Carpentries Instructor Vini Salazar’s work to develop the Carpentries Python Curriculum