Tracy Teal

Financial Updates

Planning for The Carpentries' financial sustainability

Code of Conduct Documentation Revised for Transparency and Clarity

Collaboration and transparency: Keys to our improved Code of Conduct

Job Plans, Teams, and Projects!

Check out how The Carpentries team is supporting our community this quarter.

Code of Conduct Documentation Open for Comments

Help inform our Code of Conduct Documentation. Attend the #CarpentriesConversation

Announcing The Carpentries Community Discussions

Instructor Training Checkout requirement to include Community Discussions

2018 Community Service Award Winners

Thanks to the award winners, sorted by surname, Tim Dennis, Margareth Gfrerer, Toby Hodges, Fotis Psomopoulos, and Malvika Sharan.

More than Workshops

What other ways are there to participate in The Carpentries community?

Library Carpentry Is Now Officially a Lesson Program!

On 1 November 2018 the Executive Council approved Library Carpentry as an official Lesson Program