SherAaron Hurt

Changes to support from the Core Team at The Carpentries

The Core Team announces which services to the community it will continue to support and which initiatives will continue through community-led support.

Piloting Meal Reimbursement: A Way of Saying Thank You

Piloting Meal Reimbursements for Instructors teaching online Centrally-Organised Workshops.

Join the Monthly Instructor Meetings

Calling ALL Instructors, Experienced Instructors and New Instructors

Developing Support for Instructors in 2023

Read about our plans to improve Instructor onboarding and make it easier to teach our curricula.

Teaching Centrally-Organised Workshops

Exploring Centrally-Organised workshops and how Instructors reap the benefits!

Introducing Sher!, Director of Workshops

The journey from Workshop Administrator to Director of Workshops!

The Future of Online Workshops

The Pilot Phase is Ending for Online Workshops at The Carpentries. What comes next?