Executive Council

On the governance of The Carpentries

We are clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Council

Carpentries Community Conversation with the Executive Council

A summary of the two community conversations with the Carpentries Executive Council in February 2021, facilitated by Serah Njambi Kiburu and Dr. Kari L. Jordan

Amending the Carpentries Bylaws in 2020

Here is what has changed in our bylaws this year

Election for the 2021 Executive Council

The election period for the 2021 Carpentries Executive Council opens Monday November 30

Call for Candidates for the 2021 Carpentries Executive Council

Nominations are now open for community-elected and Council-elected positions

Executive Council Officer Elections for 2020

Announcing officers elected to The Carpentries Executive Council for 2020

The Carpentries Strategic Plan for 2020-2025

Read on and learn more about The Carpentries Strategic Plan for the next three to five years